23rd Annual FCCA Cruise Conference & Trade Show

26 septiembre, 2016

30 septiembre, 2016

12:00 am a 12:00 am

Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico



Event Description

Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association – Conference & Trade Show


The FCCA Conference is a four-day event designed to foster a better understanding of the inner workings of the cruise industry and help attendees improve their cruise tourism business. Through a specialized forum that blends meetings and workshops with social functions, attendees have a unique opportunity to develop relationships with, promote products to, and learn from approximately 100 executives from FCCA’s 19 Member Lines who decide where ships call, what is sold and used onboard, and how to invest in destinations and infrastructure.  


Exhibiting at the FCCA Trade Show expands the target and captures the attention of the influential audience of key stakeholders and decision makers from FCCA Member Lines. Any booth puts your product, company, or destination on attendees’ and executives’ minds, with events and cruise executive viewings scheduled to maximize traffic, but special destination pavilion options provide the greatest impact at the Trade Show by showcasing a destination product as a team—from vendors and tour operators to destination ministries and port operators.

 Anyone doing or looking to do business with the cruise industry, including: Ports & Destinations; Cruise & Tourism Agencies; Tour Operators; Attractions; Suppliers; and Ship Agents

Please check the Hotels Tab for official conference hotel pricing and registration

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